Projekt Moon Chapter 3.21

Hello friendos and Futanari fans worldwide,

I am back with an update! And yes, sorry, a FINAL price hike. I feel $10 is fair price for here on out for the VN. I will NOT be raising the price ever again. For that, you have my word.

What is in this update? A visit to Lucy and Eliza, two new members of the harem, a look into the lives of the havenots of Tacraw and a fun scene for Lucy and Lilith. Prep work for Chapter 3.3 and 3.4, also Chapter 4 as well. Chapter 4 is the end of the alpha. After that, Projekt Moon technically is "done" but will get a "complete version" down the road...

A teaser about a GALLERY, yes it's kinda weak right now... but its mostly a TEST. Please remember for how much content is in PM, this game is still in ALPHA STATUS. It's still young... Things might be weird or awkward... as I learned when I tried to drop 3.2 last night and realized extra ironing was needed, thus I immediately hid it and solved the problems. Thus why you might not have noticed the "3.2", anywho... Here ya go. 


Projekt Moon CH3.2 for PC and LINUX 753 MB
Dec 09, 2023
Projekt Moon Ch. 3.21 for ANDROID 735 MB
Dec 09, 2023
ProjektMoon CH3.21 for MAC 726 MB
Dec 09, 2023

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Wait wait wait... I already paid for 3.1 some while ago, and now I have to pay again?!

Email me a screenshot of your proof of purchase and ill give you a key to the update. No strings attached. It wasnt my intention to paywall the update… I honestly assumed it didnt matter and everyone who paid had everything from here on out… HOWEVER, it seems that isnt the case and I am sorry for the inconvenience. I dont do EA or Ubisoft stuff here. If you paid, you have rights to it.

my business email is


Hello, I wanted to get access to the newest build on itch and I had already donated 6 dollars so I added another donation of 3 dollars. This didn't increase my initial donation and instead just added a second donation so I cant get access to the newest build. Sorry for the spam thanks