I love to make these posts. It's been 7 months and yet, 10000 downloads have been made. Recently, it's been a daily occurrence that I wake up to find a new owner of Projekt Moon from somewhere across the globe. A game that is meant to be fun, hopefully make people laugh/nut and perhaps make people think about the effects of bullying on others and why it can have a long term effect. But most importantly, I have only been a dev for 7 months. Everything you see is self-taught. Found something here, got advice there, someone lend me there help elsewhere... Particularly Alboe Interactive came in and helped me figure out how to put this on Android... and so on... and so forth... It's been a ride and it's not stopping. I hope you continue to enjoy the adventures of Serena and this small one-man game is a breath of fresh air.

Happy gaming everyone. I hope we continue to grow together. One thing that's true in life, you can only hope to grow and improve.

- TMG.

PS: Just so you are aware, there is a sale going on... ( The sale in question)

PPS: Enjoy my recent work of Lilim as Mari from Itadeki Seikei.

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